Clarification on appropriate vs inappropriate hatred
Chapter 22: Imposing and Maintaining Hatred was updated to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate hatred. Now, all chapters that explore feelings (17, 22, and 45) make the same distinction between appropriate and inappropriate feelings.
The book describes feelings of anger or hatred as appropriate or inappropriate depending on whether 1) the feeling stems from a person’s own perception of a problem, and 2) whether the person’s feelings are directed at the cause of the problem.
Inappropriate feelings arise when a person misunderstands the world around them. For example, I might become angry if I notice a person tackling my child to the ground. But if I then notice that my child is at wrestling practice and a coach is merely demonstrating a technique in a consensual way, then I stop feeling angry as I realize there was no disrespect. In this case, my inappropriate anger would be a response to an honest misunderstanding.
Chapter 22 explores how authorities can train people to feel hatred inappropriately, and use this hatred for selfish political purposes.
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